Friday, September 3, 2010

Share Offer Price Indofood CBP Assessed expensive

Share Offer Price Indofood CBP Assessed expensive ; The offering price of shares Indofood Sukses Makmur CBP at 15-19 times price earnings ratio is considered expensive. "The price is too high, so the retail portion will be smaller," said Head of Research of PT Mega Capital Indonesia Danny Eugene in Jakarta today (1 / 9). According to Danny, the offering price of the stock price usually has 15-16 times earnings. Moreover, the company also has a lump in the form of debt. "But the debt will be paid by the IPO, so not really a problem," he said.

Danny explained, although the price is quite expensive but the consumer goods sector still has a promising market. This is supported by company fundamentals and good future plan.

However, retail investors remained disarankannnya not to get too aggressive buying this stock. "Just a correction there first, then buy," he said.

Issuance of new shares of the underwriter is PT Credit Suisse Securities Indonesia, PT Kim Eng Securities, PT Deutsche Securities Indonesia and PT Mandiri Securities.

Director of Investment Banking Mandiri Securities Iman Rachman argued that the price offered is too expensive. Therefore, prices are based on stock prices similar companies in the region. "Call it Ajinomoto, because in Indonesia there is no equivalent of the food producing companies," said Faith. According to him, with prices ranging between USD 4300-5500, there is still room for investors to profit. "Expensive is relative. It would seem expensive for retail investors," said Faith.

Head of Corporate Finance PT Kim Eng Securities Darmawidjaja Setiawan said that it will be the marketing focus for institutional investors rather than investors. Assessed institutional investors to invest in more stable and long term. "Not that retail investors can not buy," he said.

Sales of shares will also be conducted in several other countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, the United States and England. Setiawan expect absorption of shares by foreign investors will be quite significant. Although European and American markets are still sluggish, he believes there are still many investors who have excess liquidity to invest in Indofood CBP.

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