Thursday, December 9, 2010

Amazon is targeted by the cyber anarchists and is Whitehall next

Amazon is targeted by the cyber anarchists - and is Whitehall next ; Computer hackers supporting the WikiLeaks whistleblowing campaign tried to bring down the Amazon website yesterday as fears grew that the British government will be next. Whitehall ramped up its defences against a cyber attack as ‘hacktivists’ continued a revenge campaign against perceived enemies of WikiLeaks’ efforts to leak secret information into the public domain.

Specialists are monitoring every Whitehall website after the ­hackers shut down the Swedish government site in revenge for the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Yesterday, having already crashed MasterCard payment systems around the world, they also attacked Amazon because it had removed WikiLeaks information from its computer servers. The electronic attack failed, but the group behind the hacking – which calls itself Anonymous – said it would continue to target computer systems around the world.Whitehall computer security analysts are increasingly concerned that the UK will be next and are now on permanent alert.

If successful, an attack on Amazon, the UK’s biggest online retailer, could have cost it millions in the run-up to Christmas. Read More....

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