Friday, March 18, 2011

Factors Affecting the Price of Silver - commodity analysts

Factors Affecting the Price of Silver - commodity analysts : Although silver does have some use as jewelry, its main use is in industrial applications. Silver has high conductivity, the ability to withstand very hot temperatures along with anti-bacterial properties. Because of this and other attributes, silver is used in:

* Coating switches and buttons in electronics
* Circuit boards in computers
* Medical applications such as bandages
* Batteries
* Mirrors
* Solar energy
* Soldering and brazing
* Bearings

Many investors prefer to hedge the market with the precious metal gold instead of silver. While silver does receive some sympathy investing when gold prices rise, it also receives a boost in value when industry picks up.

Many analysts are anticipating the gradual return of a more robust economy in the coming year. As manufacturing and production increases, the demand for silver should go up as well. The increased demand may help the price of silver per ounce grow faster than gold in 2011 according to some futures commodity analysts.

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