Friday, April 15, 2011

best house design Colorado river 2011

best house design Colorado river 2011 ; The modern wooden house located in Aspen and designed by Kendrick, Studio B Architects. Fresh house is surrounded by nature and a lot of sunlight. The design house of three floors, with the top floor is a roof terrace that used to enjoy the warmth of the sun and see the natural scenery of green Aspen. In the inside, there is a clean kitchen in a spacious room with dining room and small bar. Wood spiral staircase that connects all the floors as well as giving access to sunlight into the room. see the picture gallery of Modern Wooden House Design in Aspen, Colorado by Kendrick House Read More....

TAg : image of wooden houses aspen co home design view wood picture house design top modern wooden houses TOP ASPEN COLORADO INTERIOR DESIGNERS terrace wood modern spiral staircase wooden design picture gallery modern wood houses modern wood house terraces design modern wood homes aspen

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