Monday, May 9, 2011

news Sister Wives Recap: Christmas for the Brown Clan Brings Mountains of Love!

news Sister Wives Recap: Christmas for the Brown Clan Brings Mountains of Love! : Sister Wives” is getting to the point where something is about to happen with the case against the Brown’s related to polygamy. They are being investigated on felony charges for living the polygamist lifestyle which they revealed several months ago on television in an act of “coming out.” Feeling it was the right thing to do in order not to have to live in fear of discovery always hiding who they are, they decided as a family to speak out and expose the marriage agreement they have chosen; it has proved less than accommodating overall with the loss of jobs, friends, and now pending charges which might rip the family apart.

Although at first it was uncomfortable to watch the lifestyle they have chosen, it has become abundantly clear this family is highly functional and very secure with happy children, loving parents, and an incredible support system. What is sad as they face the stress of not knowing what is going to happen is to be aware there are hundreds of thousands of families out there living “normal” lives which do not share what this family has and whose children are ten times less cared for in relationships far less harmonious than the ones presented in the Brown clan. It is disconcerting to see such struggles faced by these parents who only want the best for all of these children and are attempting to decide the right path to follow to ensure just that. At the same time, now the older children face disruption in their own life as Kody decides to move the family to another state for safety and anonymity.

The two newest episodes cover the family Christmas which is shared together under one roof in a cabin high in the mountains. The kids draw names in order to allow them to purchase a really nice gift for someone instead of cheesy gifts for many. This reminds me of how Christmas was run in our household as a youth and brings back as many wonderful memories as the ones watched this evening. As the families prepare for the trip to the cabin, they are faced with mountains of gifts, clothes, and food as well as deciding how to transport all of it along with a tree, decorations, and children! All goes off without a hitch except the fact they leave four hours late which causes concern they will arrive after dark when it is far more treacherous.

The women discuss the traditions which have developed with the wives. Robyn, wanting to add her own tradition, decides she will make personal ornaments for everyone each year to symbolize love and the concept of family unity. Janelle does Christmas morning breakfast, Christine does family “cheese day,” and Meri makes everyone pajamas which are unwrapped and worn on Christmas Eve. In addition to this pajama tradition, a family fashion show has developed which was comical to watch.

It was really difficult to listen to Kody state that historically those individuals prosecuted for polygamy in the past have been thrown in jail and the family torn apart, sometimes with all of the adults imprisoned and the children sent to foster care. This would be tragic for this seemingly completely “normally functioning” entity of the Brown family. This is the reason behind the decision to move from Utah even though there is not one member who is totally behind the decision, including Kody.

As the children spent time sledding, snowmobiling, and enjoying time away from the city stress, there was not a moment when they were not worried about what is going to happen to their parents, their family, and their lives. To that end, this is a tremendously sad state of affairs. To make matters worse, was the moving display of love as everyone opened meaningful presents given to one another which were carefully bought with the thought of joy paying close attention to what mattered to the other person as with the sister statute Robyn gave to Meri. I was literally moved to tears! This closeness is rare and it was a travesty for the government to tear this family apart because their beliefs and lifestyles are different. How are they any different than same-sex relationships? Or cohabitating couples with children? Or extended families living together such as adult brothers and sisters with children and spouses? The concept of being married to more than one woman is not new and the practice exists in other countries. Isn’t it about time the United States really gets “in step” with the rest of the world? Read More....

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