Wednesday, October 26, 2011

RIM could be facing a class-action lawsuit on behalf of Canadian BlackBerry owners

World Top Stories News - RIM could be facing a class-action lawsuit on behalf of Canadian BlackBerry owners : esearch in Motion has had a rocky few months and now could be facing a class-action lawsuit on behalf of Canadian BlackBerry owners that would seek damages for a service outage affecting RIM customers around the world earlier this month.

A Canadian man identified in the suit as M. Blackette petitioned the Montreal District Superior Court on Tuesday to institute a class action against RIM on behalf of either all Canadian residents with a BlackBerry smartphone and monthly data plan who were unable to access their email, BlackBerry Messenger service, and/or the Internet from Oct. 11 to 14, or 2011, or all residents of Quebec who have the same qualifications.

If approved, the suit, first reported by CNET, would be another headache for a company that has struggled to please investors in recent quarters and experienced disappointing sales of new products like its PlayBook tablet.

The petitioner, who says he owns a BlackBerry Curve 9300 and has a $25-a-month 1GB data plan with Rogers Wireless, claims that RIM's offer to customers of more than $100 of free app downloads to make up for the outage "does not properly compensate BlackBerry users who have paid for services that they were unable to use."

RIM hadn't responded to the lawsuit as of Wednesday evening. While the company has apologized for the outage and publicly volunteered to offer some compensation for affected users, it isn't clear whether RIM's contracts with customers in Canada or any other specific countries demand that it compensate them for service interruptions. source

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