Monday, May 31, 2010

President Asked to Immediately Send Bank Indonesia Governor Candidate Name

House of Representatives urged President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to immediately send the names of candidates for Governor of Bank Indonesia in order to test fit and proper test can be held.

"Ideally, a post now so that we can vote before the recess on 11 June next," said Chairman of Finance and Banking Commission Emir Moeis in the capitol, Jakarta, Monday (10 / 5).

Emir kokosongan assess the post of Governor of Bank Indonesia has gone on too long. BI officials Nasution has occupied this position since late 2009 to replace Boediono who became Vice President.

Especially with the decline of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, two important positions in the financial sector is an empty threat. Related to this, the Emir's request that the President did not raise Nasution as Minister of Finance. "It'll be difficult again as the newly appointed officials," he said.

Economist INDEF Erani Yustika Ahmad expressed concern with the position of BI governor vacancies. "Whereas the current BI under conditions must make decisions quickly," he said. Government asked to respond to this with a serious void.

"Better still if the central bank governor elected with a package of new Finance Minister so easy to coordinate," said Ahmad. Condition, the candidate must possess integrity and strong knowledge in the field.

Candidates who will fill two positions left entirely to the president. "No problems from professionals or politicians," said Ahmad. According to him, there are many politicians who have the experience and ability to hold the post of Finance Minister.

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