Saturday, January 1, 2011

EC Universal smartphone charger in 'early 2011

EC Universal smartphone charger in 'early 2011 ;That hoary old chestnut – the universal mobile phone charger – is set to become a reality in 2011. Fourteen manufacturers have signed up to the new standard based on the micro-USB - Apple, Emblaze Mobile, Huawei Technologies, LGE, Motorola Mobility, NEC, Nokia, Qualcomm, RIM, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, TCT Mobile (Alacatel), Texas Instruments and Atmel.

"I am very happy that the European Standardisation Bodies have met our request to develop within a short space of time the technical standards necessary for a common mobile phone charger based on the work done by industry," said Antonio Tajani, commissioner for industry and entrepreneurship, earlier this week, "now it is time for industry to show its commitment to sell mobile phones for the new charger."

The first chargers produced to the EC spec are expected to be available in early 2011. The new standard only applies to smartphones – i.e. phones equipped to handle data.

The 14 companies originally agreed to seek charger harmonisation in an agreement in June 2009. The EC then issued a mandate to the European Standardisation Organisations CEN-CENELEC and ETSI in December 2009, requesting the development of a technical spec. That has now been delivered.

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