Friday, April 22, 2011

are we still in a recession 2011

are we still in a recession 2011 : Some of the labor force statistics confirm the anecdotes. The unemployment rate has come down, but so has the participation rate. In other words, people are still dropping out of the workforce because they can’t find jobs. It remains hard to find a job—the average length of unemployment was 37.1 weeks in February 2011 compared to 29.8 weeks a year ago.

Below these very visible signs of continued weakness, however, is an economy that is building momentum. The 91 percent of the workforce that is working is spending. With the continued increase in spending, inventories have dropped. As businesses are replenishing those inventories, they are purchasing more from manufacturers who are increasing their production and eventually hiring more people. Those newly employed people are spending more which means the momentum will continue to build as the recovery unfolds.

Cardiff election 2011 round up – butchers, businesses and meaty cuts
‎We need investment during a recession, to create jobs, reduce benefit ... Add you comments below or upload a report to our Welsh Elections 2011 map here. Read More....

Builders of New Homes Seeing No Sign of Recovery
Kim Meier’s spring promotion, which includes a $17,000 credit at a nearby General Motors dealer, has produced seven sales since the beginning of March, a veritable windfall of business for a builder who sold only 20 houses last year. “We needed to do something dramatic,” said Mr. Meier. “The market’s been soft. Read More....

Rise of gas and food prices could trigger another recession
The combination of rising gasoline prices and the steepest increase in the cost of food in a generation is threatening to push the US economy into a recession, according to Craig Johnson, president of Customer Growth Partners. Read More....

tag ; are we still in a recession 2011 , are we in a recession 2011 , are we still in recession 2011 , are we in recession 2011 , is canada still in a recession 2011 , are we still in a recession , recession 2011 in india , recession in india 2011 , ARE WE STILL IN A RECESSION IN 2011? , 2011 are we still in a recession , is india still in recession ,

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