Thursday, April 14, 2011

florida department of corrections budget cuts for 2011

florida department of corrections budget cuts for 2011 ; Florida Governor Rick Scott has taken aim at the state's prison system as the target of his latest budget cut proposals. The Department of Corrections' annual budget is currently a whopping $2.4 billion, and Scott wants to cut a total of $1 billion from the department's budget over the next seven years.

The current prison system in Florida has its share of issues. The penal code claims that punishment is its "primary purpose" and that rehabilitation is a secondary goal. Less than one percent of the $2.4 billion corrections budget is spend on rehabilitation services such as substance abuse programs, education and vocational studies. Currently, 20% of inmates receive mental health care, and more than half of Florida's 101,000 inmates read below the sixth grade level. Read More....

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