Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How to back up your data using Ovi PC Suite

How to back up your data using Ovi PC Suite ; Whether you’re talking files, music, pictures or just contact and calendar info, chances are you’ve got a fair bit of personal data squirrelled away on your Nokia C5-03. All the more reason, then, to keep it backed up using Nokia’s Ovi PC Suite. We show you how to go about it after the cut.

Your Nokia C5-03 stores files in one of two places – either on the phone’s limited allocation of internal memory, or on the microSD card that came with it in the box.

It’s the former that you have to take particular care of – that’s where your precious contacts are stored along with your calendar and the like. That sort of info can be irreplaceable, so backing up your phone regularly makes a lot of sense.

Ovi PC Suite isn’t fussy, however: it’ll back up your messages, contacts, calendar, photos and videos, and you can even set it up to do the job automatically every time you connect your Nokia C5-03.

To do this, fire up Ovi PC Suite on your computer, then click on the Tools menu and select Options. From the window that appears, click on Device sync. From here you’ll be presented with a series of tick-boxes so you can specify exactly which content you wish to be sync-ed automatically. Make your choices, then tick the box marked Sync automatically every time you connect the device, then click OK.

With that done, you can relax in the knowledge that Ovi PC Suite will back up your data every time you hook up your Nokia C5-03 to the computer. Alternatively, you can back up manually yourself at any time by clicking the Sync all button at the bottom of the main Ovi PC Suite screen.

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