Monday, April 18, 2011

the increasing rate of marital instability in Ghana

the increasing rate of marital instability in Ghana : Although previous work has attributed the instability of African marriages to the diffusion of Western norms and values in the region, fewer attempts have been made to empirically assess how Africa's internal institutional structures, such as extended kinship ties, impact marital outcomes. Guided by rational choice and exchange theories, we argue that the strong bonds that exist among matrilineal family members in particular, rather than within the conjugal unit, may be important to understanding the dynamics of marital processes in the region, and particularly divorce processes. We test our hypothesis with data from the 1988, 1993, 1998, and 2003 Ghana Demographic and Health Surveys.

Consistent with our hypothesis, the results indicate a significantly higher risk of divorce among matrilineal than nonmatrilineal women. The matrilineal effect persisted even after we controlled for Read More....

Tag : divorce rate in ghana, divorce in ghana, cause of divorce in Ghana, Ghana: marital Processes and Types of marriages, ghanaians perception on divorce, matrimonial causes act 1971, Rate of divorce cases in ghana, Rate of Divorce in Ghana, reasons for divorce in ghana, Reasons for the increasing rate of marital instability in Ghana, The house believes that the domestic violence act How is it causing instability in marrieges, the post about how the rise in divorce has attributed to decline of pre-arranged marriages in zambia, What is the current rate of divorce cases in Ghana?, ghana men and relationships, ghana matrimonial causes act 1971 act367

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