Wednesday, April 13, 2011

State Lectureship Eligible Test 2011 SLET 2011 Recruitment of Lecturers 2011

State Lectureship Eligible Test 2011 SLET 2011 Recruitment of Lecturers 2011 : The basic qualification to be as Lecturers also called as Assistant professors In Tamilnadu colleges and Universities is Ph.D or pass in SLET examination. University grants commission known as UGC conducts National Eligibility Test popular in known as NET exam twice in a year. Regularly in the month of June and December NET exam is being scheduled.

In Tamilnadu Bharthidasan University,
Bharathiyar University organized state Lectureship eligible test previously. If anyone qualifies in NET exam will eligible for the assistant professor post in colleges and Universities throughout India. Similarly anyone qualifies SLET exam conducted by particular state will be eligible for the Assistant professor post in Colleges and Universities in the concerned state.

UGC NET exam is conducted regularly twice in a year with a notification of minimum 3months before the exam commences. But Tamilnadu SLET exam is not regularly conducted. In 2008, Bharathiyar University conducted Tamilnadu SLET exam, later there were no announcements regarding SLET exam in Tamilnadu. This issue was analyzed by Tamilnadu state higher educational council. After the complete analysis Assistant Director of higher educational council Mr. A. Ramasamy has given the statement that, like UGC NET exam Tamilnadu SLET exam also will be conducted regularly twice in a year. This year Tamilnadu SLET exam 2011 could be expected in the month of April 2011. The organizing University of this SLET 2011 is Coimbatore, Bharathiyar University.

Notification of Tamilnadu SLET 2011 exam is expected in the month of February.
Exam date of Tamilnadu SLET 2011 exam will be conducted in the month of April 2011.
Applications for Tamilnadu SLET 2011 exam will be issued by Bharathiyar University Coimbatore.
Syllabus of Tamilnadu SLET 2011 exam could be found in brochure and also in University website.
Qualification for Tamilnadu SLET 2011 exam will be same like previous SLET exams.

After this statement by higher educational council of Tamilnadu many SLET coaching centers in Tamilnadu is preparing the study materials for SLET 2011 exams in various subjects. Immediately after the notification of Tamilnadu SLET 2011 exam these centers will be giving advertising for admission in SLET coaching classes in Tamilnadu. So far, post graduates in Tamilnadu were concentrating only TNPSC exams. Here after they will be concentrating in Tamilnadu state Lecturer ship eligible test.

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