Sunday, May 22, 2011

Iceland situation today after volcano eruption

World Top Stories News New volcano eruption begins in Iceland meteorologists :
- Keflavik airport was closed at 8.30am this morning
- Domestic flights cancelled and no flights can land or take off until further notice
- Ash and steam from Grimsvotn volcano hurled 12 miles into the air
- The volcano is Iceland's most active and has not erupted since 2004

Ash from Iceland's most active volcano could reach northern Scotland by Tuesday and the rest of the UK, France and Spain by Thursday, experts say. The Grimsvotn volcano erupted late last night hurling steam and ash 12 miles into the sky forcing the country's main international airport to close.

Initial reports this morning suggested the ash cloud was heading to Greenland, but now scientists say it is on its way to Europe.

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