Sunday, May 22, 2011

Medical marijuana discounts coupons printable 2011

World Top Stories News - Medical marijuana discounts coupons printable 2011 : Medical marijuana sellers are joining the online coupon trend, trying to lure new patients with deep discounts on pot, hash, smoking accessories and edible cannabis-infused foods.

Online couponing for marijuana comes as popular mainstream coupon sites turn away dispensaries and other marijuana businesses. In established medical-pot states like Colorado, where as many as 700 dispensaries battle for new patients, online coupons are helping some pot shops draw in business.

Colorado's bills itself as the nation's first successful online pot coupon service. With 10,000 subscribers in three Colorado cities, site founder John Molinare said he's doing better than he hoped. Molinare hopes to expand to Arizona and California, other states that have legalized medical marijuana.

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