Thursday, December 22, 2011

Irish Privacy Watchdog Asks Facebook to Cleanup July 2012

World Top Stories News - Irish Privacy Watchdog Asks Facebook to Cleanup July 2012 : Republic of Ireland's privacy watchdog has asked the social media giant Facebook to take prompt action in order to improve the way it handles users' personal data.

According to reports, the Data Protection Commissioner has even set a July 2012 deadline for the company to enhance its privacy features and make changes to a dozen odd other privacy related policies.

Facebook was also given a handful of specific recommendations including the likes of deleting the stored personal data of users sooner, as well as enabling users to have better control over their data.

The Data Protection Commissioner went on to publish the final result of the audit it carried out at social networking giant's Dublin office. The privacy watchdog further stated that Facebook must comply with the recommendations made before July next year.

"We set ourselves a very ambitious target for completion and publication as both this office and Facebook felt it was important that the outcome be published and opened to public comment and scrutiny," said Deputy Data Protection Commissioner Gary Davis, Belfast Telegraph reports.

"It is important to recognise that Facebook Ireland, as recently as September 2010, was designated responsibility for all users outside of the US and Canada," Davis added.

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