Saturday, December 31, 2011

windows 8 sales expectations 2012

World Top Stories News windows 8 sales expectations : While 2011 was not a breakthrough year for Microsoft products, the company held steady amid criticism regarding its absence from the tablet market, its late arrival to the cloud, and low sales for Windows Phones. However, financially the bottom line was not a problem in Redmond. For fiscal 2011, Microsoft notched a record-breaking $69.9 billion in revenue, up 12 percent from fiscal 2010. And it did this despite sluggish sales of Windows and PCs.

Despite the modest increases in sales, Windows is still a massive revenue generator for the cash-rich Microsoft. Add to that strong sales of Xbox and Xbox Kinect and the tight grip Microsoft has on the enterprise with Office, SharePoint, Exchange, Lync and Windows Server licenses, and the company will continue to thrive financially in 2012, according to industry analysts.

Windows 8 Prep, Windows Phone, Android Battles
In retrospect, 2011 could be viewed as the year when Microsoft tried to pivot: away from its desktop-centric focus and toward mobility, from packaged software toward the cloud, from a company in danger of losing its relevance toward … maybe some semblance of its old, market-dominating self. Read More....

Big jump to 99m tablet sales worldwide forecast for 2012
JP Morgan gave a bullish outlook for the worldwide tablet market, adding well over 10 million units to an earlier forecast. The investment bank is forecasting worldwide tablet shipments will reach 99.3 million next year, a 55.2% jump over 2011. Earlier, JP Morgan had said it expected tablet shipments would reach between 70- and 80 million units next year, according to an article by Media Post reporting on the JP Morgan forecast. Read More....

Big Expectations for Microsoft in 2012
More rumors about Windows 8 were swirling around and they were really just rumors until they released a preview video previewing the Metro user interface for Windows 8. Many people were shocked that they were changing Windows so radically. Read More....

New windows 8 sales 2012, windows 8 sales 2012, Expectations for Microsoft in 2012, tablet sales worldwide forecast for 2012, Why Microsoft's Windows 8 App Store, investment bank is forecasting 2012

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