Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Inauguration Darmin Nasution as governor of Bank Indonesia

Inauguration Darmin Nasution as governor of Bank Indonesia ; Reins of leadership of the Bank Indonesia will again occupied, Wednesday (01/09/2010). The plan, the Supreme Court will inaugurate Nasution as Governor of Bank Indonesia at 10:00 pm.

Head of Public Relations Bureau BI Difi A Johansyah ensure there are no schedule changes Darmin inauguration. Darmin will occupy the highest reins at the central bank for five years, namely from 2010 until 2015. Former Senior Deputy Governor of BI will be BI's 14th.

Nasution is the only candidate proposed by the government to follow the fit and proper test in parliament. Fit and proper test process is going smoothly despite rain interruptions colored. However, Parliament finally unanimously chose former Director General of Taxation as the number one in the BI.

Before moving to central bank governor, entered the ranks of the terrace Darmin BI officials as Senior Deputy Governor in 2009. The President then gave the assignment to executing the task (plt) or temporary officials (Acting) replace Boediono who now serves as Vice President.

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