Tuesday, September 7, 2010

BTN Launch Visa Business Debit Card Can

BTN Launch Visa Business Debit Card Can ; State Savings Bank (Persero) Tbk. launched the Visa Business Debit Card can be to boost funding by 800 thousand customers targeting the ATM service users BTN. The new product is expected to answer the needs of the community outside of housing finance which has been the main business of BTN.

Before the credit card product was launched, the BTN has done in-depth feasibility studies, making it easier for customers to transact card-based. In turn, the public does not need to carry cash anymore if you go anywhere.

The credit card became the beginning of the birth of new products based on technology BTN. According to SOE's business plan, has prepared several variants of the product which was launched immediately. "All products and equipment will be directed to increase the capacity of BTN in the housing finance business in Indonesia. BTN is a very big potentials to grow better with our core business today, "said Director of BTN, Iqbal Latanro.

In addition, through these new products can increase the growth target BTN savings up to 10-15% at the end of 2010. "We set a conservative target of having to socialize first. Socialization takes time, "he explained.

According to Iqbal, there are everal reasons it publishes a Visa Debit Card, partly because the need funding. Within the fund there are components that strongly influenced competition transactional services for customer convenience.

He claimed, BTN has become an icon of housing finance in the country. The contribution of this government banks to the national housing finance industry around 25%. In fact, for financing housing loans which the government program, contributing more than 95%. "For mortgage financing, BTN has become the market leader in Indonesia," he added.

Currently, the recognized Iqbal, BTN has a total of 2.8 million customers with third-party funds (TPF) of Rp 39.99 trillion at the end of the semester I/2010. Compared to the same period in 2009, assets grew 25.14% of BTN, deposits rose 17%, and loans increased by 30%. Meanwhile, the company's net profit reached USD 390.61 billion, soaring 97.11% over the same period last year to Rp 198.16 billion. Kenaiikan net income was largely due to the increase in net interest income.

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