Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Indonesian President SBY Speech Problem Malaysia

Indonesian President SBY Speech Problem Malaysia ; President Yudhoyono has expressed the official attitude terrkait Indonesia Indonesia-Malaysia relations are warming. Here is the content of SBY speech which was read at the TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Wednesday (09/01/2010).


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Greetings to all of us, Brothers and Sisters a nation and a country that I love and I'm proud of,

Tonight, I want to give explanation to the people of Indonesia about the relationship between Indonesia - Malaysia. Let us begin by looking at the development and dynamics of relations between the two countries, one of Indonesia bilateral relationship the most important.

Relations between Indonesia and Malaysia has a wide coverage, all of which related to national interests, the interests of our people.

First, Indonesia and Malaysia have a relationship history, culture and kinship are very closely - and perhaps the most closely compared to other countries, and has been woven for hundreds of years. We have a historical responsibility, to maintain and continue this kinship.

Second, the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia is an important pillar in the ASEAN family. ASEAN can grow rapidly during the last four decades, partly because of the strong foundation of bilateral relations between Indonesia - Malaysia.

Third, there are approximately (2) million, our brothers and sisters who work in Malaysia - in the company, in agriculture, and at various jobs. This is the amount of Indonesia's largest labor overseas. Of course, the presence of Indonesian workers in Malaysia to bring mutual benefits, both for Indonesia and Malaysia.

Meanwhile, about 13.000 students and students studying in Malaysia, Indonesia, Malaysia and 6.000 students studying in Indonesia. This is a national asset that must continue our joint development, and also capital partnerships in the future.

Malaysian tourists visiting Indonesia is the third largest with a total 1.18 million people, of a total 6.3 million foreign tourists.

Malaysian investment in Indonesia last five years (2005-2009) are 285 investment projects, totaling U.S. $ 1.2 billion, and Indonesia's investment in Malaysia totaled U.S. $ 534 million. Total trade in both countries has reached U.S. $ 11.4 Billion in 2009. This shows that Indonesia's economic relations - Malaysia's very strong.

However, this particular relationship is also very complex. This relationship is not free from problems and challenges. There is such a proposition of diplomacy, that the closer the two countries and close relationships, the more problems we are facing.

Examples of problems and challenges we are facing is related to Indonesian workers working in Malaysia. We know that the existence of two million Indonesian workers in Malaysia, in addition to providing mutual benefit, also raised the cases in our field should continue to manage. Therefore, since the beginning, I worked hard to fight for the rights of Indonesian migrant workers, among others, regarding salary and time off; provide legal protection, and established a school for children of Indonesian Workers.

In my last visit to Malaysia, we have successfully reached an agreement, concerning the granting and protection of rights for our workers in Malaysia.

In connection with legal problems faced by Indonesian workers in Malaysia, the government actively take steps to legal assistance and advocacy, to ensure our brothers and sisters to get justice in truth.

In addition to citizen issues and the protection of migrant workers, we also often encounter problems related to border the two countries. This problem requires serious management from both sides.
Because of that, realizing this common interest, and Prime Minister of Malaysia, I often communicate directly, in addition to the annual consultation forum which we do, to ensure that these bilateral issues can we manage and find a way out well.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Lately, relations between Indonesia and Malaysia re-tested with an incident in the waters surrounding the Island on August 13th, 2010 ago. Due to this incident makes extensive attention from the society of Indonesia, on this occasion, I want to give explanations about the real problems sitting, and action steps taken by our government.

Since I have received reports about the incident on August 14, 2010 This morning, I immediately gave instructions. First, I asked for the third officer of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry immediately returned are safe. Second, I also ordered to thoroughly investigate what really happened in that incident.

Soon after that, Coordinating Minister for Foreign Affairs Polhukam and take measures quickly, to manage the handling of such incidents by taking the necessary steps.
On this incident, we are all very concerned, and I want this issue resolved soon completely, with emphasis on diplomacy measures. I want to say that since the occurrence of these cases the government has acted. Sistempun has worked.

I also emphasize that this problem should be resolved quickly, firmly and precisely, because it relates to our national interests. Maintaining good relations with friendly countries, especially with Malaysia, it is very important. But we certainly can not ignore national interests, especially when it comes to the sovereignty and integrity of Homeland.

In this regard, I have sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Malaysia, which essentially express deep concern over the incident. I also encourage the maritime boundary negotiations process can be accelerated and completed. Meanwhile, the Foreign Ministry has summoned the Malaysian ambassador in Jakarta to deliver the protest note.

Minister of Foreign Affairs has also undertaken an intensive communication with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia. During its development, thank God, the 3rd Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry officials had now been returned to their homeland.

NOA relating to the three officers, the Indonesian Government to receive information about the inappropriate treatment experienced by them. Therefore, the Indonesian government requested an explanation for the accuracy of the information. Through diplomatic channels, the information that the Government of Malaysia is currently investigating the problem of treatment of these three officers NOA.


What is clear, in the future, incidents like this we must prevent, so as not to continue to cause problems between the two countries. This effort can we do with the way soon finalize negotiations on the border between Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as other forms of coordination and cooperation between the two sides, with a passion for maintaining good relations the two nations.

About the handling of the seven fishermen who entered the Malaysian territorial waters of Indonesia, to those already taken measures in accordance with applicable regulations. After the process is completed we return them to Malaysia, as is customary in force in the ASEAN environment for this. Please note, in the same case, a lot of Indonesian fishermen who allegedly entered the territorial waters of friendly countries, also returned to our land.

Brothers a nation and a homeland,

Learning from this experience, the Indonesian government believes that the most appropriate solution to prevent and cope with similar incidents is, how soon finalize negotiations with the boundaries between Indonesia and Malaysia. These negotiations concerning land borders and maritime boundaries, including in the strait of Singapore, and Sulawesi waters, or waters of Ambalat.

Indonesia believes that the negotiations concerning these boundaries can we speed up and we efektifkan implementation. All this went from a good intention and purpose, so that similar incidents that would disrupt the good relations the two nations can we prevent and suppress. I really underlines, once again, so that a negotiating process that will soon be passed by both the government actually produce tangible achievements.


State sovereignty and territorial integrity is a vital national interest. The government also understands the interests, and continue to work in earnest to maintain and enforce it. However, not all problems that arise in relations with friendly countries are always associated with the sovereignty and territorial integrity. Therefore, we should be able to accurately assess any problems that arise, to be precise penyelesaiannyapun too.
Nevertheless, no matter how small problems that arise in bilateral relations, will still be solved in order to support our national interests. We must always maintain our image and identity as a nation of dignity in international relations, without losing the basic principles of foreign policy which is free and active, and devoted to the interests of our nation.

As Head of State and Heads of Government, I also feel what is felt by the people of Indonesia. I really do understand the concern, care, and even emotions that brothers and sisters feel. And what is being done by the government right now and forward this, in fact also a reflection of the concerns all of us.

I also asked to avoid excessive actions, such as violence, because it will only add to existing problems. Violence is often triggered violent other. Hope to solve this problem seriously and precisely, without any destructive actions, also I have received from our brothers the people of Indonesia who is currently residing in Malaysia.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The way we handle the relationship between Indonesia - Malaysia will be listened to and followed by friendly countries in Asia, even by the international community. So far as the founders of ASEAN, Indonesia is often used as role models in order to accomplish the various conflicts in the region, and in the other hemisphere. Therefore, while we continue to let her memperjuang our national interests, Indonesia's international character and constructive role, and with the spirit to maintain the peace, continued to be our guard.

Finally, an incident that occurred between Indonesia and Malaysia recently will we complete the solution. Indonesia will continue to promote Malaysia to actually complete the boundary negotiations that often trigger the occurrence of incidents and tensions. Thus, with can prevent tensions and conflicts-conflicts that are not necessary, I believe the problem, good relations and bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Malaysia will grow even larger.

Going forward in the relationship between the broader nation, we must continue to maintain our sovereignty and territorial integrity, and continues to build itself into an advanced country, prosperous, and dignified, while maintaining good relations and cooperation with friendly nations.
Nothing further.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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