Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cheryl Cole's secret weight loss tips

Cheryl Cole's secret weight loss tips : Are you looking for the best way to lose weight. If you are one of those people who is stunned by how celebrities lose weight, I believe you must have thought to yourself on a few occasions, how much does Cheryl Cole weigh? I mean, she looks so slim and stunning and I believe that if even if you are a fan or not, you will want to know her secret weight loss tips?

If you are a fan of Cheryl Cole, you may or may not have heard that she uses a special dieting principle that is not common to the everyday person who is interested in shedding or losing weight. This dieting principle is called the Blood Type Diet. The most astonishing fact is that she is said to stick to the Blood Type Diet and she never has to work out.

This type of diet advocates that a person interested in losing weight should eat only the foods that go with their blood group while simultaneously avoiding the foods that that do not. This alone is enough to help you stay in tip-top shape and never gain an extra pound, and also ensuring you stay healthy. According to Cheryl, this diet as well as her tight and busy working schedule is what keeps her in such a great shape.

Now, you may be curious as to what types of foods are suitable for your blood group, which will help you lose weight. Here is a list of various foods suitable to a few particular blood types:

* People with Blood Group AB are rare. Those with this body type are advised to eat foods recommended for both blood groups A and B. They are advised to follow a vegeterian diet occasionally eating some meat, fish and dairy products.
* Blood group O is the commonest blood group. According to the blood type diet, people with Blood type Os are advised to eat a high-protein, low-carb diet with a bit of red meat and fish while totally avoiding dairy products. Allowed foods include meat, fish and olive oil.
* Blood Group A is the next most common blood type. Allowed foods include cereals, nuts, seeds, beans, rice, fruits and veg. are all on the 'to eat' list. Meanwhile, calming exercises are thought to be best for blood type A's such as yoga or golf.
* Only 10% of the population has blood type B. For this group, only small amounts of carb-rich foods should be eaten.

A lot of scientific research has made us aware of the benefits of this diet. These studies have also proven that this principle of weight loss far outweighs other weight loss techniques. The health benefits of the principle alone should is enough for a person to adopt and adhere to the blood type diet. However, other schools of thought believe that this concept is has no scientific evidence to support this claim. In other words, you need to do your due diligence before you decide if the blood type diet is for you.

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