She also chills out riding a motorcycle made of ice, and uh ... really rides it. She sports a variety outfits and does indeed, as is often said, look like a real-life Barbie. Check out the video after the jump and see what you think:
The lyrics are silly, but catchy and the video illustrates it perfectly. "He pops bottles and he’s got the right kind of build…. He’s always in the air/ But he never flies coach." Dude in the video has definitely got the right kind of build -- did you see those abs?
Overall, it's hot. She's hot; he's hot. The song is hot ... just in time for summer, and just in time for her upcoming tour with Britney Spears for whom she'll be opening during their Femme Fatale tour.
It's going to a good show, and it will be interesting to see if Minaj outshines Brit Brit. I'd have to give it Minaj if there was a Daisy Dukes rockin' contest, and when it comes to dancing ... I don't know. Nicki has some moves, so I hope Brit's working on hers.
If you want tickets to find out for yourself, you can enter Minaj's "Super Bass" video contest in which fans are asked to post videos of themselves singing part of the song. Five pair of tickets to one of the shows as well as the opportunity to meet Minaj in person are up for grabs. Examples by Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, and this one from Kendall Jenner are offered up as examples for those wanting play. Yellow eye shadow may help your chances:
What do you think of Nicki Minaj's video for "Super Bass"?
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