Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Press cars attacked near Giggs house Premier League

World Top Stories News - Press cars attacked near Giggs house Premier League - : Several cars believed to belong to members of the press have reportedly been vandalised by masked men outside Ryan Giggs's house in Worsley, Manchester. Manchester United midfielder Giggs has been in the headlines after he was revealed as having placed a super-injunction banning reporting of an alleged affair with glamour model Imogen Thomas.

After the 37-year-old missed Tuesday’s open training session ahead of this weekend’s Champions League final, United boss Sir Alex Ferguson was overheard asking his press officer to ban journalist Rob Harris from the pre-game press conference after he asked a question about Giggs.

Since then it has emerged that police were called to an incident near Giggs’s residence, with journalist Andy Mitten saying that tyres had been slashed and bodywork vandalised with eggs.

"Shortly after 3.20pm on 24 May 2011, police were called to (an address) in Worsley, following reports a number of cars had been damaged," Greater Manchester Police were reported as saying by Sky News.

"Officers discovered at least six cars had been vandalised after offenders arrived in a Ford Transit van and attacked the vehicles."

Liberal Democrat MP John Hemmings, a campaigner for press freedom, used parliamentary privilege to unmask Giggs after he was widely-reported by Twitter posts to have been the origin of the super-injunction.

The case has become synonymous with attempts by the public, government and media to fight the culture of wealthy individuals and organisations using the courts to gag press reports into their conduct.

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