Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dream Act 2010 Senate Delay

Dream Act 2010 Senate Delay : Republicans refused to vote on the DREAM Act on Thursday, leading to an entire clearing of the House. The measure would have effectively given illegal immigrants the opportunity to become a student or join the military in order to gain legal citizenship in the country. Harry Reid who is the Senate Majority Leader called off the attempt to vote on the act, most likely because he simply wanted to try again at a later date. Democrats were able to table the motion at 59 to 40.

Had the bill been passed right then, it would have traveled directly do the desk of the President who would have most likely signed it into law.

Those who support the legislation claimed that the act is necessary for children of illegal immigrants who do not have an official country and need options with regards to finding legal citizenship in the U.S Although many people in the Republican Party are opposed to the measure, Democrats are rallying for it and believe that it most likely has the best chances of being passed with the coming of the 111th congress.

It still remains to be seen whether or not the legislation will end up on the desk of President Obama; however Democrats are certainly keeping their fingers crossed.

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