Wednesday, December 15, 2010

SHANE Warne and Liz Hurley share a love for all things Indian

SHANE Warne and Liz Hurley share a love for all things Indian ; Perth Confidential hunted down the controversial former cricketer today ... and we didn't have to travel far. Warnie paid homage to Liz's Indian ex Arun Nayar by sinking a curry in Subiaco this afternoon

Despite a throng of paparazzi and autograph hunters outside trendy Indian eatery Buddha Bar on Rokeby Road, we managed to stroll past security with a bat of the eyelids and a flick of the hair to a trim and tanned Warnie. The Spin King is in Perth for the 3rd Ashes Test at the WACA starting tomorrow, working as a commentator with the Nine Network. The notorious Lothario was holding court at a table of 14 burly looking men, who had won the opportunity to lunch with him.

With only four other tables occupied in the restaurant, we tried to look aloof while waiting for the opportunity to pounce on the playboy.

We thought we'd lost our chance when he ducked out the back for a smoko but he soon returned, flashing those blinding white teeth at fellow diners, mostly comprised of friends of Buddha Bar owner Malik Masceranhas.

All it took was a wave of our manicured hand for Warnie to saunter over and pose for a photo, while other diners laughed seeing the famous womaniser yet again flanked by ladies.

When asked by Perth Confidential if he is single, Warne said "yes", despite recent snaps of him sharing a passionate kiss with the married UK model in London.

Hurley has since Tweeted that her marriage to Indian tycoon Arun Nayar ended months ago, while Warne released a statement a day later saying his on/off relationship with ex-wife Simone Callahan was also over.

Masceranhas told us Buddha Bar was a favourite spot for cricketers, with Australian vice-captain and Warne confidante Michael Clarke dining there earlier this week, while Warne has dropped in a few times during visits to Perth.

Masceranhas' Perth-raised son Dimitri is the captain of Warne's former English country cricket side Hampshire and played briefly for his IPL side the Rajasthan Royals in India. Articel From .

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