Format: DS
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Released: 4th March 2011
Score: 9/10
Peter Molyneux has, in the past, talked about the deep, conflicting choices in the Fable games and how he really wants players to have to think, to deliberate, to take time away from the game before making their decision. Honestly, Peter, nothing in Fable can ever compete with having to choose a starter Pokémon. It's the hardest decision I ever have to make in video games.
In Pokémon Black I ended up going with Snivy, a patronising snake-with-legs grass type. But this was after much deliberation, weighing up the pros and cons of the fiery Tepig and Oshawott the otter. Honestly, I spent a good half an hour making this decision. Choosing whether or not to save the citizens of Albion is nothing in comparison.
If spending ages choosing your starter Pokémon sounds familiar then that's because, well, it is. Let's face it, Pokémon doesn't exactly change in leaps and bounds between releases. It's always the same structure. Catch Pokémon, collect gym badges, beat the Elite Four, and foil a tacked-on, hackneyed plot by Team Totally-Evil. Pokémon Black does very little to change this formula, instead polishing it within an inch of its life, resulting in the most finely-crafted, compulsive and comprehensive Pokémon adventure to date.
Pokémon Black introduces the 5th generation of Pokémon to the gaming world, with 156 new creatures on offer. They're kind of a mixed bag. Early on, I seemed to be up against far too many Pokémon for which the design brief was 'draw a sphere and stick some leaves on its head'.
The further you get, though, the more interesting they become. There's a definite flair to some of the later designs especially, and fighting against a mutant ice cream cone is always a novelty. A lot of the designs seem to be referencing past Pokémon as well, which mostly serves as a knowing nod, a bit of fan service, but occasionally comes across as a bit lazy (see: Pidove). Despite the overabundance of spheres and a few other questionable design choices (see again: Pidove, for entirely different reasons) the new Pokémon are made extra interesting by their unique in-battle animations. Each creature seems to possess far more character than in previous games, wiggling, shifting and reacting to the action.
Battling is once again a turn-based affair in which Pokémon of various types square off against each other. It's as tactical as ever; making sure you have a balanced team, using the right special attack against a pokémon who's weak to it, knowing the correct time to switch out one 'mon for another. There's very little here that will come as a surprise, but it's just as excellent as it ever was, with the added bonus of looking better this time round.
Double battles return as well, and fighting alongside another trainer is a rare but fun occurrence. Introduced in Pokémon Black/White is the Rotation Battle, a new battle type which sees two teams of 3 squaring up to each other, with one Pokémon in play at any one time, with the others able to be rotated in at the start of any turn. It's nothing dramatically game-changing but rather another means of having fun with the battle system.
Perhaps the biggest surprise for me was the presentation, in both visual and narrative form. For a while, the game looks so familiar that it'd be easy to think nothing's changed. Then as I headed to the game's largest city, a sweeping 3D camera took over, panning across the starry Unova skyline, my character becoming a tiny speck on the huge metal suspension bridge he was walking across. It was a strangely melancholy, poignant moment, a feeling which extends throughout the game. The plot is still hackneyed and a little cliché but, surprisingly, it's also rather good.
The main villain, N, and his underlings Team Plasma seem more idealistic than the usual comical bad guys, and themes of trust, morality and antithesis underscore the proceedings. A lot of it's inferred, of course – Pokémon isn't really a game about lengthy monologues and soul searching – but numerous throwaway lines give a sense of nostalgia and sadness. The plot is far more integral to the game than in past versions too, with the gym leaders, the Elite Four and even the goal to simply collect Pokémon playing a larger role in the narrative. As the plot – and the journey – reaches its conclusion, it's clear that Black and White have been crafted with the biggest attention to narrative detail yet, striking a balance that will please both the people who play Pokémon as a collect-em-up and those after a more linear gaming experience.
There are plenty of other improvements that mark this generation as the pinnacle of the series, too. The C-Gear is a new in-game device that allows for instant Wi-Fi or local DS connectivity, a welcome and necessary addition for anyone into the competitive side of Pokémon. There's also the Entralink – a local multiplayer hub – and the option to upload Pokémon into the dream world (or at least some kind of website) and enter their dreams.
Unfortunately the servers for this aren't yet active, so it's impossible to judge exactly what it adds to the game, but it's just one of the many ways Pokémon strives to be a real community event. The dungeons and gyms, for the most part, seem notably better as well. There's still the odd tedious cave in which you'll be forced to fight low-level Pokémon every three steps, but they're few and far between, and most of the dungeons and towers are the perfect length, with interesting design and the occasional fun puzzle. The gyms, too, take the form of large room-spanning puzzles and are all very distinctive and enjoyable to solve.
Pokémon Black is far from a series overhaul, then, and given how Pokémania has never really died out, it's perhaps understandable that it isn't. It is, however, a considerable improvement on the existing template, to the point where it's hard to see how the series can avoid a fairly notable change in approach. This could – and perhaps should – be the swansong to the Pokémon formula we're accustomed to, but if it is then it'll go out at the very peak of its existence: teetering on the edge of feeling too familiar, sustaining an incredible feat of balance, but nonetheless still standing tall at the very top of its game
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