Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Modern Warfare 3 gameplay trailer revealed

World Top Stories News - New Modern Warfare 3 gameplay trailer revealed : Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has had its first major trailer pushed out showing off the gameplay of the upcoming shooter. Infinity Ward’s Robert Bowling tweeted the link to YouTube late last night (well, early this morning, technically).

Graphically, it must be said that Modern Warfare 3 is looking pretty sharp, and the destructible environments impressive (such as the collapsing building, and the ship that gets rocketed in the boat sequence at the end).

In case you’re wondering whether some of the trailer comprises of cut-scenes, Call of Duty doesn’t do them. Bowling tweeted: “Call of Duty doesn’t have cut scenes, every second of that was taken from playable moments in the game.”

We must admit that while Modern Warfare 3 is looking no slouch by any means, we were still more blown away by the Battlefield 3fault line” trailer. The pure atmosphere that generated was truly amazing.

Let’s not forget who the underdog is here, however. Bowling also made a point of tweeting that the frame rate is locked at 60 frames per second in MW3, and that was “a core design principle” for the game.

How Battlefield 3′s super-shiny visuals will perform on console platforms, and exactly how DICE will streamline them to run at a playable level, remains to be seen.

One way or another, there’ll be one certain winner, and that’s the humble gamer benefiting from the increased competitiveness which is being stoked due to both these war shooters coming out head-to-head this autumn.

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