Friday, April 22, 2011

PlayStation Blog , PlayStation Network (PSN) down

PlayStation Blog , PlayStation Network (PSN) down : Earlier today we told you that the PlayStation Network could be down for some time yet. We first reported about the problems yesterday morning after being contacted by some of our readers. The PlayStation Network has been down a while now, and the blog silence is causing some debate from PS3 users.

There has been no update on the official PlayStation blog now for two days about the ongoing issues, and many people are commenting on the blog and are pretty fed up with the downtime. There has been renewed speculation that Anonymous may have had something to do with the problems. This could go down as the worst downtime the PlayStation Network has seen so far.

Many PS3 owners are annoyed that Sony has not been updating them with what’s going on, and have only said it could take a day or two without giving a more accurate time scale. We have also received many comments from frustrated gamers wanting to play online.

We have had one reader who just purchased some online content for FIFA, before PSN went down. Many are frustrated as we now have the long Easter break to enjoy, but can’t access PSN. Whether this is the work of outside groups, it is extremely frustrating for the normal gamer who just want to enjoy their PlayStation 3.

Tell us what you think of this latest outage?

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