And this is where most people differ. A great many out there see the “Scream” movies as a poor attempt at horror. I agree with what “Scream” was intended as: a dark comedy. Once you have in mind that you aren’t supposed to be chilled to the bone or leave with a sense of absolute disgust as with so many slasher slicks today, you can really enjoy all of the “Scream” movies.
Scream 4″ is just as fun as the first film. The first 10 minutes are spent hammering home the joke that this isn’t supposed to be horror, but dark comedy. I was laughing out loud as I watched the “Stab” openings and Anna Paquin get a little more blood involved with her name.
As the opening after the title shot hits, “Scream 4″ follows suit with its previous films and establishes everything after the by-the-book methods of horror films: setting, characters, situation, all made obvious and all immediately become suspects.
The laughs are simple and really not even all that funny unless you really like the history of horror films and the joke that “Scream” movies make them out to be. But there are enough entertaining moments to keep an audience somewhat involved.
The plot itself keeps the possibility of who the killers — yes it is immediately revealed that there is more than one — open until a fairly late point in the film, which is nice considering the array of possible killers the new and old characters allow for.
The kill scenes are nothing new, and a few are just homages to the original. Which brings around the really fun plot point of having the movie revolve around the modern-day swing of making that crazy horror film from years ago with an update while still being a part. Yes, it is that out there, and yes it is that silly overall.
Basically, “Scream 4″ is just like the other movies and doesn’t go deeply into anything the other films haven’t. The story can drag at a few points if you aren’t laughing and busy trying to figure out how you would have pulled off the kills, or who the killers and motives might be.
The ending is the big kicker. I was not happy with it. There were a few ways I wanted to see the film end, and this was not one of them. Spoiler alert: Cox doesn’t die; ugh.
If anything, the ending allows for one more “Scream” movie with its aging cast; you all know Sidney Prescott, Neve Campbell, wasn’t going to die, so deal with the additional spoiler and enjoy the joke that is “Scream 4″ — also that Campbell still looks pretty good overall, whereas Cox just looks like a little too much Botox. And while you’re at it, go back and watch the other “Scream” movies with the idea in mind that they are dark comedies and not horror films. I bet you’ll be a lot more entertained; well, that and they make for some amazing drinking games.
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