Saturday, May 21, 2011

harold camping predictions Wrong Again

World Top Stories News - harold camping predictions Wrong Again, harold camping, harold camping predictions, harold camping website, harold camping 1994, may 21 : Reports say that many families have been split by the May 21 Judgment Day Prophecy of Harold Camping. According to the New York times, the Hadad, a family of three teenagers have been going through trying times when two years ago Mummy Abby Haddad Carson left her nursing job to help "sound the trumpet" of Judgment Day with Daddy Robert Haddad at her side helping to hand out tracts. The family relocated to New York last weekend in the final lap of their evangelical work, towing there unbelieving and protesting children along. According to sixteen-year-old daughter Grace Haddad, her mother scolded her unbelief telling her that she wasn't going to make it to heaven with her bad attitude.

Gary Daniels, 27, another Camping prophecy believer says he will spend the day glued to the TV waiting for the blessed moment of the earthquake at which believers will be translated. He admits that his family is opposed to his belief but have lately been tolerating him. He says he drove in his Judgment Day van from his home in Newark to say final goodbyes to his relatives and friends in Brooklyn. He expresses deep sadness at the fact that his relatives are sure they will be seeing him again, "I weep to know that they don't have any idea that this (i.e. the Judgment) is coming right at them, pummeling toward them like a meteor."

Thousands of other American families are in the same situation as the Haddads with Harold Camping's prophecy splitting families into opposing camps of believers and unbelievers in his Judgment Day prophecy. Thousands of believers in the Camping prophecy have taken to streets of New York with many "sounding the trumpet" in Time Square in the last few days, dressed in doomsday T-shirts, with placards and leaflets, some taking the last few days off to say bye-bye to friends and relatives before they are caught up into the heaven in Rapture.

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