Monday, May 16, 2011

may 21st judgement day

may 21st judgement day - may 21st, may 21st 2011, judgement day, harold camping, may 21 :

Is Judgment Day coming May 21st?
NEW YORK (WABC) -- Eyewitness News explored Judgment Day and why many people think it's coming on May 21st. On a religious mission, George Finn is out spreading the word. "God has led me through like this incredible journey," Finn said. ...

Is May 21, 2011 Really Judgment Day ?
The May 21, 2011 Judgment Day prediction is made by Christian radio host Harold Camping, who had previously predicted that the rapture would occur in September 1994. He has since admitted that his previous calculations were off.

Billboards proclaim May 21 Judgment Day
The organization teaches May 21, 2011 is exactly 7000 years after the world was destroyed by water in Noah's day. Based on calculations, that date is when the world will be destroyed once again. It's a startling prediction that doesn't have everyone

Day Four of May 21 Apocalypse: Stephen Hawking Denounces Heaven and
The May 21 Judgment Day prophesy of Harold Camping, initially met with vast skepticism, now appears to have gained enough traction to make even the most agnostic among us rethink the inevitability of existence beyond this weekend, due in large part to

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