Wednesday, May 11, 2011

prediction Judgment Day May 21 2011

prediction Judgment Day May 21 2011 - What will happen on May 21, 2011? : On this day the “catching up” of all those who have become saved will occur. This is referred to as the Rapture. The Lord Jesus Christ - who is God, Creator and Ruler of all creation - will gather His people from the four corners of the earth and they will be forever with Him in Glory. Two hundred million people will be rescued on May 21, 2011. They are the elect - chosen by God to be saved - and their sins were paid for by Christ Himself and they come from “every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.”

Judgment Day May 21, 2011 - radical prediction
The Bible states in no uncertain terms that Jesus Christ's return is set for May 21, 2011. This is the day of the Rapture when Christ will gather His people to Heaven. It is also the start of Judgment Day, the time when God will bring an end to this world because of mankind's sin. The world will remain in the Day of Judgment for 5 months (153 days) and God will annihilate it October 21, 2011. Read More....

May 21, 2011 Doomsday? What to Do if You're a Non-Believer
According to thousands of billboards, fliers, and windowless vans, the end of the world starts on May 21, 2011. This is a day on which roughly 200 million chosen believers will be instantly “raptured” to heaven, says Family Radio, a California-based sectarian Christian group that is gaining both followers and revenue by scaring the bejeesus out of gullible folks. Read More....

Judgment Day. . .May 21, 2011 - End Times Predictions

Apocalyptic fever is in the air . . . and has been since the 1800's. But the date setters are always wrong and then face their own crisis in credibility. Kevin Swanson interviews Gary DeMar, author of "Last Day's Madness" on the recent date from Harold Camping: May 21 2011.Read More....

Tag : harold camping, may 21 2011, may 21, judgement day, end of the world, Forecast Judgment Day May 21 2011

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